Why aren’t you leaving your comfort zone?
Think about your comfort level like a thermostat. Your thermostat is set at 72 for the winter months, what this means is your heat will kick in when the temperature drops below 72. This is like your comfort level, you operate within a comfort zone and when you drop below that you will defend yourself. Like you will hide, justify, or rationalize your participation so that you don’t have to feel what is uncomfortable.
Your comfort level exists as a way to drive your behavior; you know what to do because you feel what you are feeling. For example, feeling embarrassed means you need to be quiet or feeling anger means you need to defend yourself. Your feelings exist as a way to guide your behavior.
Notice your feelings and behavior exist to keep you “self”. Your brain is programmed to keep you alive. It’s called your reactive mind or your lizard brain. Its job is to keep you alive. It knows that you cannot jump off a cliff or walk onto a highway, however, it’s no more intelligent than a lizard. It’s the reactive aspect of your mind that limits your capacity to create your life. When you listen to your reactive mind you become safe, but you miss the opportunity to actively create your life!
Your lizard brain is the mechanism that manages your comfort level and it’s not committed to your success. It’s committed to your survival. Success, love, triumph exists out of transcendence of the lizard brain. Transcending the need for safety creates the opportunity for you to be radically honest, transparent, and accountable, which are necessary behaviors that drive opportunity, insight and breakthrough performance.
Your comfort level is a delusional state of existence that sabotages your capacity to create your life. For example, white water rafting is seen as less dangerous than bungee jumping, however, there are 10xs more deaths occur from white water rafting then bungee jumping. Your reactive mind is not smart, actually it is the dumbest part of you and is not to be listened to. For example next time you want to avoid, inquire to see what you are looking to avoid.
Call to Action:
- Identify what you are feeling
- Inquire to see if its ok that you feel what you are feeling
- Now choose not from your feeling, but rather from your greater intention
Transformational Mind Dynamics currently offers two free online courses: Transform Your Brain & Transform Your Relationships. Both courses are presented as a series of emails designed to walk you step-by-step towards your chosen goals. http://peterlotterhos.com/life-coaching-free-courses
This is really informative. I have a comfort zone that I can’t seem to break out of and it keeps me from doing a lot of things. I need to break out of it.
I am definitely one to remain in my comfort zone. I need to work on stepping out of it as you suggest.
I so agree with this. Our comfort zone is what also creates fear of what we would like to try but can’t becuase we don’t feel comfortable in that area. We really should break the walls and just live life.
im not moving my butt out from my comfort zone. lol. there are times that i wont let anyone touch my things in my couch lol