What can I do for 10 minutes every day that will change my life?

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12 Responses

  1. I’m going to try your tips. I need some life changing especially when fears are in my way. I’ve got to figure out why things upset me.

  2. Rosey says:

    10 minutes is not too much time for anyone. I think this is a valid way for people to find their inner courage and motivatiom for change.

  3. Elizabeth O. says:

    This makes a lot of sense. We don’t really think that we can do a lot in 10 minutes. We can set aside that time to reflect and to assess.

  4. Julie Porter says:

    This is very helpful, especially since I spend too much time in fear of things that I have no control over. Taking this ten minutes to reflect on what I can do or if I am even accountable for it in the first place will hopefully move my focus away from this and towards what I can do to change.

  5. I think the biggest thing that holds people back or down is that they are totally unaware of their own problems and how they can fix them. Whether it is alcoholism or simple fears, realizing that you have a problem is the first step. Realizing that you can do something about them is the second.

  6. So very insightful. I have a lot of anxiety about things in life that I know I shouldn’t, and I need to get a hold on these in order to really go for what I want in life. Thank you for sharing this.

  7. Kelly Reci says:

    This is nice! ervy minute is important and a 10 minute life changing moment is worth to spent within a day. It is for self benefits anyway. This is very helpful !

  8. Your tips are simple, to the point, and very helpful! Thank you! I haven’t thought about asking myself what I am I accountable for but it really makes me see things introspectively.

  9. So interesting. It’s true you can do anything for 10 minutes and I think working on your fears is a great way to move forward and be more self aware.

  10. I like the idea of taking 10 mins everyday to reflect and act. Sometimes I get upset for the silliest thing. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Our Family World says:

    This is helpful. We often do whatever things when we face a problem. But it is really important to identify the problem it first and be accountable.

  12. WOW. It is indeed a lifechanging moment. Thanks for the tips and I’ll do it the next time I’m facing something I am afraid of.

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